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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


alhamdulillah this year once again we have the opportunity to celebrate Eidulfitri. although there is only one week off, i had and will make full use of it.
yesterday was the first day of Syawal. this year's turn is at my in law's but as my in law's home is full, we celebrate Eid eve here in my hometown, Gunong. =)
yes im sooooo happy.....
this year color theme is Dark Green.

setelah pulang dari sembahyang sunat aidilfitri..

di pusara arwah abah..

bersalam dan memberi duit raya kepada mak...=)

bersalam-salaman dengan suami =)

sesi bgambar sebelum makan...

family tercinta...

sebahagian daripada ahli keluarga....


budakbarublaja said...

pi bakpo tudung mu wane biru hehehe...

Unknown said...

juo tudung gue warna hijau la..dalam gambar jadi warna biru...huhu dah balik jrntt lum??