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Thursday, June 20, 2013


I've been idle for several days...currently i am busy with something,,,,hehe busy fasting before it's Ramadhan again. -____-

I know some of you are doing the same thing, right?

Next week I think I can't make it because it is time for my school' s Sport's day. For this year, i am asked to be the Head of Certificates. Not fun at all, huh! Especially when you have to be prepared with a laptop and printer and you have to print all the certificates together with the winners' names immediately after each event.  And the best thing is, you have to stay there, under a big tent, wait until the prize-giving ceremony. uwahhh with this hot weather i think i will turn into Dayang Senandung.

However, i'll try to take it as a challenge. I hope i can do it insyaallah.

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