after two tiring weeks it came to an end. today the 4oth smk karak sport's day was held ; the tents, the athletes, the busy teachers, the tracks, the sunny day. it described the whole day. me? busy conducting students doing this and that, went with them bringing the long sugar canes and Saree to school (out tent theme is Indian tradition) just to find out that the tent had been decorated by the PIBG representatives the day before. i didn't care the energy wasted, what i care is that my car had been scratched by the sugar canes! very bengang but towards the end of the day, it was worth it when our Blue team won again and this is the 4th year in a row. is it amazing? :)
i didnt snap much pictures as the sun was shining too hot making me sweat all over and please, i had enough. however i came across 3 cute soldiers in the morning, wondering how come i didnt even meet them before. ehem, off the record please. im married. they were invited by the P.E.unit to play the musical instruments.
i'm in blue house as well but here it's the tercorot house.haha.the sports day event looked quite happening huh.happy recovering frm sunburn~
am recovering now,,but no so much as the weather is still panas menyengat,,quite happening la gak except for the weather yg sangattt panassss..
Blue all the way!!!
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