click for fun!!

Sunday, March 29, 2015


We have been married for some months now..
A month++ after our wedding ceremony, my period didn't come. I thought maybe it would come sooner, never did i think it was a good news. After going back from visiting some relatives (his side) by riding my brother's motorcycle, I went to buy a pregnancy kit. And there it was, 2 lines. Words can't describe how i felt at that moment. With disbelief, I told him. His teary eyes said it all. My everyday prayers has been answered.'s been over 4 years when I had a miscarriage with my first husband.
And for now, she is still in my womb. She is 16 weeks+2 days..Everyday I pray for her safety, that she would come out easily when the time comes. And as perfect and healthy as ever. Amin...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Friday, August 15, 2014

setelah 2 bulan...

Hi semua..baru aku perasan dah lebih 2 bulan aku tak update blog. tak sangka lak dah 2 bulan lebih blog ni bersarang labah2 kat sini. hadoiii..

Hidup aku selepas cuti sekolah tengah tahun hari tu agak kelam kabut. sibuk dengan tugas sebagai Ketua Panitia yang baru aku pegang mulai tahun ini. Fail-fail dan surat juga dokumen, kertas kerja dan lain-lain amatlah membuatku kelam kabut. Tak lagi rileks macam tahun lepas yang mana tugasku hanya mengajar. Tetiba rindukan saat itu, huhuhu

Sepanjang bulan Ramadhan juga aku harus ke surau setiap malam. ehem harus la menunjukkan contoh yang baik kan. hehehehe selain itu juga aku mulai sibuk dengan urusan peribadi. hehehe yang itu biarlah rahsia dulu. nanti sampai masanya akan aku bagitau jua...

buat masa sekarang hidupku mulai berubah. selain sibuk dengan urusan asrama dan sekolah, perniagaan kecil-kecilanku di waktu malam semakin menyibukkan aku dengan urusan dunia. Semoga aku tidak lalai dengan urusan akhirat yang lebih penting. Kadang-kadang aku terlalai juga.. maafkan aku ya Allah atas khilaf ku yang selalu terlalai ini.

sebagai permulaan untuk bulan Ogos, azam aku macam biasa untuk lebih berjimat cermat, savings sebanyak mungkin dan memberi lebih perhatian kepada orang2 yang aku sayang.semoga aku dapat manage semua kerja dengan baik juga.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Now that we are strangers
You are no longer connected to me as I no longer yours
So I asked God to make you disappear from my head
As I live my life the way it should be long ago

Sometimes when I see something that connected it to you
I feel like I want to cry out loud 
As the feeling I once had for you
Is still there but it keeps drifting apart

I did promise to myself
I will never going back to you
As you once and twice made my heart broken
I wish I will not make the same mistake again

So please go away
And never show yourself again
I promise I will forget you one day.......

Saturday, May 10, 2014

hectic life..

It is already the fifth month of 2014. Time flies so fast I guess. I thought I had just moved in yesterday but it is already 3 months++ since I become a warden. A warden to 200++ students including Orang Asli. Girls are 100++. It is quite a number because I used to be a warden to 50 girls only before this.

A warden. It should be an easy task. But somehow people make it harder than what I think it should be. *sigh*

Well, the good part is I'm not alone anymore. There are always students' voices and laughter and 'chaos', sometimes it brought me headaches too. Huhu. But I like it better than just me on my own watching TV and playing games on my laptop, when I was at Paloh. Alone. Not alone actually, I had Boboi my cat :) Really miss her so much but I couldn't bring her here though. She has her own kids there to be taken care of.

The challenges of becoming a warden? Too much. But now I learn how to handle the girls although there are still some of them who are stubborn and tend to disobey the hostel rules.
Handling sick students is the main priority although not all of them are actually "sick". Last two nights there was one girl who had a pain in her chest due to severe gastric. At 4 am, I drove her to the emergency. When I arrived at the hostel it was near Subuh prayer so I didn't sleep. After Subuh prayer I slept until 8 am.Thank God my class started late that day and I had called the school office.

My schedule is too hectic nowadays. I rarely have time to finish my novel ... -____-

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuan Rumah Pembantu Rumah...

Fuhh lepas seminggu baru habis baca novel ni
Novel ni tak tebal dan tak nipis sangat
Cuma aku je yang sibuk sikit minggu ni

Novel ni dah diulang cetak sebanyak 17kali!!
Terkejut mak bila tengok kat dalam
Salah satu faktor novel ni popular ialah kerana cover dia
Memang cun habis 
Warna dan imej dan font
Terbaik lah!

Ceritanya sangat unik
Tentang kisah Areen@Asha yang lari dari rumah
Setelah tahu tunang dia curang
Dia lari pergi ke rumah seorang Tan Sri
untuk jadi orang gaji@pembantu rumah

Lepas tu macam biasa
Jatuh cinta dengan maid sendiri bla3
Lepas tu nikah

Cerita yang simple sebenarnya
Agak meleret
Penat baca nak habiskan
Lega bila dah habis

Kalau korang nak kisah yang simple dan taknak nangis2
Beli la novel ni
Ewah siap promote....